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Hide files in image

Hide files in image - Welcome to the blog Gadget Corner we provide a lot of latest gadget information that must be very loss for you to miss, now we will discuss first about Hide files in image we have collected a lot of information to make this article complete for you, Ok please read::

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Hide files in image

Did you know that you can hiding your files in image? Here I will show you how. But before we can proceed, prepare our tools first.

Tools :

  • WinRAR

  • Command Prompt

  • Hidden files (Eg: abc.txt)

  • A JPG image file (Eg: 123.jpg)

  • Ok, now we move on how to do this trick. here is 123.jpg is image

    Hide files in image_1

    1. Put your hidden file and your image file in the same folder. Here I have abc.txt and 123.jpg. Both I put in a folder I named it tmp in drive C.

    Hide files in image_2

    2. Put all these files into a RAR archive. I named this archive as abc.rar.

    Hide files in image_3

    3. Open Command Prompt and go to the folder where you place the files. Type the following command,

    Hide files in image_4
    cd c:\tmp
    copy /b image_name.jpg + file_name.rar new_image_name.jpg

    4. Now you will have 4 files in the folder. 123.jpg, abc.txt, abc.rar and 12.jpg

    Hide files in image_5

    5. If you open 12.jpg file, you will see the same image like 123.jpg.

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    6. If you open 12.jpg file with WinRAR, here is what you will get.
    Hide files in image_7

    7. Below is my 12.jpg image file. Try open the file with WinRAR and read what I wrote in the abc.txt file.


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