Don't Receive Your Mobile While Charging
Receiving mobile during charging is not secured. Now a days mobile is the most essential and significant things in the world. But it may be so much harmful for did not obey the rules of proper using. In the meantime some people have died for did not managing the rules. Mobile phone contains high frequency radiation. It provides high frequency to our body. Its so much harmful for our brain.
Also harmful for high frequency radiation for long time talking. Having some bad effect of high frequency radiation. The radiation can makes cancer also with high frequency. During charging the radiation increases and so much dangerous situation may occurs if receive a call during this time. So please avoid receiving call while your mobile is in charging position. Mobile phone may busts and human body may destroy or burn if the mobile received during charging.Also it can create skin disease or skin cancer of a human body. This is the main bad effect of high frequency radiation. It proved with some practical experiment and world class cancer specialist in the world. So we must need to avoid the situation and also need to avoid long time talking to protect high frequency radiation bad effect.
Sounds scary..
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