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Guarding My Model While I Shot It

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Guarding My Model While I Shot It

No doubt you must think me nuts with a title like that, but here's the story:

Yes, blame it on 52Frames!!

"The Moth"
I had never heard about this "High Key" technique and was feeling rather pessimistic...
Then the other day at work, I heard my boss in a panic, so I went out to see the problem. It was this dainty, gorgeous white moth. I whipped out my camera and told the staff that nobody was to touch the moth until I had finished "shooting him." They stood by incredulous as I tried to hold my camera steady as I shot up in the direction of a high shelf. And only when I had finished, barely satisfied with the quality of my shots did I let them execute my model.
Camera: Canon Canon IXUS 145
Location: Sha'ar Binyamin, Israel
And here's the "runner up."

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