Download Chilli firmware file from link below and use the flashing guide at the end of this post to flash the firmware on your device.
If your device stock ROM is not on the list below, post in comments section at the bottom of this thread and it will be added ASAP.
- Chilli A222 - Download
- Chilli H5 - Download
- Chilli W01 - Download
- Chilli H1 - Download
- Chilli A730 - Download
- Chilli A730 V06 - Download
- Chilli A555 Note 4 - Download
- Chilli A555 Note 4(01.01.2015) - Download
If you can't find your device firmware file on this list, use the comment below to inform me.
How to flash Chilli Stock Firmware
For Spreadtrum (SPD) phones, /2015/11/how-to-flash-stock-rom-firmware-on-any.html" target="_blank">click here.
For Mediatek (MTK), follow this.
For .nb0 firmware files, /2016/06/how-to-easily-flash-nbo-firmware-rom.html" target="_blank">click here.
For .BIN stock ROMs, use /2016/04/how-to-flash-bin-firmware-file-on-any.html" target="_blank">this guide.
Got problems flashing the firmware? Post in comments.
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